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Tips for Increasing Power Generation of Solar System

As environmental pollution and the energy crisis become increasingly severe, PV power generation, as a green and renewable energy source, is gaining more and more attention. However, many people find that the actual power generation does not meet their expectations after installing PV power systems. So, how can we increase the power generation of PV power systems? Here are some practical tips.

Set the Installation Angle Reasonably

The angle of the solar panels is a crucial factor affecting electricity generation. Generally, installing the panels at a 30-40 degree angle facing south can achieve the highest power output. However, different geographical locations and climatic conditions can also influence the optimal angle. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with professionals before installation to plan the angle reasonably in order to maximize solar radiation exposure.

Set the solar panel Installation Angle Reasonably

Choose Premium Solar Panels

The efficiency and quality of solar panels directly impact the amount of electricity generated. When purchasing solar panels, it is advisable to choose panels from well-known, tier-1, and reliable brands. Additionally, you can consider the use of high-efficiency solar panels, as they are better at absorbing sunlight and converting it into electrical energy.

Keep the Solar Panel Clean

The cleanliness of the surface of solar panels has a crucial impact on their power generation efficiency. Dust, dirt, and other pollutants can block sunlight, reducing the power output of the photovoltaic panels. Therefore, regularly cleaning the surface of the panels is a necessary measure to improve their power generation. A soft cloth can be used to wipe the surface of the panels, and it is important to ensure that no chemicals or abrasive cleaners are used during the cleaning process.

clean the solar panel regularly

Inspect And Maintain the Electrical Equipment

The operational status of electrical equipment also greatly impacts the power generation of photovoltaic power systems. Therefore, electrical equipment, including inverters, electricity boxes, and cables, should be regularly inspected and maintained. Ensure they are functioning properly without any faults or issues. If any abnormalities are detected, they should be promptly handled or replaced.

Set Solar Batteries Reasonably

Solar batteries, as energy storage devices, are an important component of PV power systems, capable of effectively increasing the power generation of PV stations. By properly configuring solar batteries, the balance between the power generation of PV stations and power consumption can be achieved, reducing energy waste. Additionally, solar batteries can provide power support during periods of insufficient sunlight, such as at night or on cloudy days, ensuring the normal operation of PV power stations.

solar battery for the solar power system

Install Sunshade Facilities

In certain regions, the intense summer sunlight and prolonged direct exposure can cause the temperature of the solar panels to rise, thereby reducing their electricity generation efficiency. To solve this problem, shading facilities such as shade nets can be installed above the solar panels. This can reduce direct sunlight exposure and lower the temperature of the panels, thereby improving their electricity generation efficiency.

Monitoring And Maintaining The Solar System Regularly

By regularly monitoring and maintaining the photovoltaic power system, potential issues can be identified and resolved in a timely manner, ensuring the efficient operation of the system. For example,  you can inspect the connections and mounting structures of the photovoltaic panels regularly to ensure they are secure and reliable; You can clean the surfaces of the solar panels periodically, and check the operational status of the electrical equipment routinely. These ways can ensure the long-term stable running of the photovoltaic power station, thereby increasing electricity generation.


To increase the power generation of a photovoltaic power station, multiple aspects need to be addressed. You can refer to the tips above to realize better power utilization and environment-friendly efficiency. If you still have any concerns, feel free to contact our professional team, we are always here at your service.

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